
by Daisies Health

Health & Fitness


Woman* Sister!Prioritize today! your health! Schedule a comprehensive plan of consultations, therapies and/or programs in minutes.Reserve, plan and invest in yourself... in body, mind and soul... and in a comprehensive way, improving and reaching your best version. We have already impacted the lives of:+120,000 followers+ 60,000 queries+ 50,000 usersRegister today with code FEM2408 and get 50% off your annual registration. With our memberships, equivalent to half 1/2, 1/3 or even 1/4 of the average cost of a single traditional consultation, you receive:* 70 minutes of consultations, therapies and/or programs per month in fundamental areas* Comprehensive care in 4 axes. Physical Health, Emotional Health, Hormonal Health and Nutritional Health.* You can use your minutes as best suits you... with a single doctor or several... with a single area or several * Preferential price for extra consultations and consultations with more specialists* Digital, comprehensive, and unique medical record.* Medical guidance questions* Schedule and take consultations on your time, in your space, your wayFundamental Areas* Gynecology* Nutrition* Psychology* General Health*Skincare* Training RoutinesExtra Specialties* Psychiatry* Endocrinology * Dermatology* Gastroenterology* Couples therapy* Angiology* Cardiology* Ophthalmology* Rheumatology* Hematology* Nephrology* Pediatrics* Thanatology